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Global scholars

A VIA Project by Global Scholars from Catholic High School, Singapore

Welcome to Global Scholars CHS

What’s this website about?

This website shares our flea market reccess sharings and morning assembly sharings from Global Scholars at Catholic High School.

ms nafizah.JPG
birds eye.JPG
infographic presentation 2.jpg

Media Gallery

Flea Market Timetable



Kiron and Jonas were in charge of sharing the infographics.

Thomas and Marcel took photos.



Infographics: Justin & Jun Heng

Photos: Thomas and Noah



Infographics: Josiah and Junheng

Photos: Noah & Thomas



Infographics: Kiron and Jonas

Photos: Marcel



Kiron and Elliot were in charge of sharing the infographics.

Noah took photos.

Description of Flea Market Sharing

For our project, we raised awareness in our school on sustainability and consumption issues. Part of the project includes sharing at a flea market during recess. While working on this project, we use WhatsApp to communicate our ideas. In order to finish this project on time, we use a divide and conquer strategy. Roles were assigned to each student in the class - photographers and videographers for documentation, presenters, researchers and class ambassador. Some difficulties we faced includes taking a long time to set up equipment for the booth. By then, most of the lower secondary students have went back to class and the remaining upper sec's were uninterested. We think that this is because students do not like lots of words. Thus, we will be making the sharing more interactive and less wordy. What do you think we can do to achieve our goal?
Day One

On the first day of the VIA project, the stands did not manage to attract everyone’s attention. The presenting area was rather empty by the time the equipment was set up. This could be because it was our first time setting up the equipment so by the time we were done setting up the television, it was already 10.35am which is half of our recess break, so a lot of people had already gone back to their classes.

Days Two, Three, Four, Five

However, for the subsequent days, it was a success. We began to attract more Secondary One and Secondary Two students for the first half of recess.The results for secondary three and fours was not very successful. No secondary three or four students went to the booth. This is probably because they might have seen it before or are not interested.



For improvements, we could have been more efficient in setting up the booth. We took about twenty minutes to get the booth ready, which was not good as it meant that the chances of attracting people from the first half of recess was very low. If we were able to familiarise and practise setting up the booth before the event itself, we would be able to save a lot more time like we did on the third, fourth and fifth day of the week. With all that time saved, most of the Secondary Ones and Twos would still be in the canteen and we would have an easier time attracting more people to our booth. We could also have made the stand more interactive. For example, we could have added a survey or quiz. The quiz could be about overconsumption issues, asking about how much they know about these issues. The students would see this quiz, and be more interested to come to our stand. Through this, students will see our stand and can also learn about overconsumption issues here in Singapore, also allowing the audience to be more engaged in the promoters’ sharing.


Lastly, for the Secondary 3s and 4s, we could have better captured their attention. For example, we could have wanted to be more friendly and adopted the ethos: “If they don’t come to us, we come to them”. If we did this from the start, our overall sharings might have been slightly more successful. Additionally, when we realised no Secondary 3s and 4s were coming over during the second half of recess, we could have informed the teacher about this, perhaps packing up earlier in order to save resources and ensure less manpower wastage. In conclusion, some of the difficulties we faced were attracting students to our stalls and time management.

Our Assembly Sharing Slides

🔽 Download Our Slides 🔽

We also shared more widely with the whole school during Morning Assembly via Zoom on 5th and 11th May. Our topic was about ways that individuals could make their lifestyle more sustainable. We carried out research, tried to make our slides visually attractive and tried to include interactivity in our sharing.


What worked well was the fact that people did sit up and take notice. We observed this for ourselves as the presenters were speaking. To ensure that we held the attention of our school mates, we practised our lines and all of us came together on Zoom on the eve of each assembly sharing to give support and feedback. What did not work well was the fact that our planned interactive activity didn't work on both occasions, due to technical hiccups with Zoom. However, despite this, feedback from our classmates was still positive and the presentation ran smoothly overall.

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